Megan Boudewyn
Principal Investigator
Nathan Caines
Graduate Student
About: I'm interested in how we comprehend meaning within language, and the cognitive processes which facilitate that, particularly how we deal with ambiguous referential processing during discourse. My research utilizes electrophysiology and brain stimulation to examine neurotypical and clinical population samples to understand language comprehension. Prior to UCSC, I completed my BS of psychology at the University of Utah, with a minor in Cognitive Science and a certification of Human Factors, and I am originally from Chicago. I also enjoy reading/writing, climbing, and spending time with my dog.
Angela Montiel
Graduate Student
About: Their research interests are in understanding neural and cognitive processes of language comprehension. Prior to UCSC, they worked as a Professional Research Assistant at the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Lab at CU Boulder. They completed their B.S. in Cognitive Science at UCM where they investigated the underlying neural mechanisms of changes in syntactic expectations at the Language, Interaction, and Cognition Lab. Outside of research, they enjoy reading, walking, and teaching their pet birds to say English words.
Ashley Rosenfeld
Graduate Student
About: My research investigates the neural mechanisms underlying attention and cognitive control, and the way these processes interact with working memory, multisensory integration, and language comprehension. I am originally from Hawai'i, and completed my BA in Psychology at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa. Prior to UCSC, I conducted electrophysiology (EEG) and brain stimulation (rTMS) research at the Brain & Behavior Lab at UHM.
Yaqi Xu
Graduate Student
About: Yaqi's research interest is in language comprehension and cognitive control. She completed her Bachelor's of Science degree at Purdue University, and went on to earn her Masters degree in Psychological Science from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Current research projects are focused on using electrophysiology to investigate the interaction between sentence properties and working memory load during language comprehension.
Lea Toledo
Lab Manager
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Major: Cognitive Science; Minor: Biology
Kyle Burke
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Major: Cognitive Science
Kaitlyn Fong
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Major: Intensive Psychology; Education
Shreya Johar
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Major: Cognitive Science; Sociology
Colin McConnell
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Major: Cognitive Science
Chloe McGuire
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Major: Cognitive Science
William Nelson
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Major: Intensive Psychology
Carmen Padilla
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Major: Cognitive Science
Dasha Parlee
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Major: Cognitive Science
Milena Presic
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Major: Cognitive Science
Luke Spurlock
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Major: Intensive Psychology
Ethan Staneart
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Major: Cognitive Science; Intensive Psychology